Implementing a Backup Strategy

As a data recovery professional I should know more than anyone the importance of backing up files. But I am now going to make an admission: as I write this, neither my personal laptop at home, nor any of my family’s computers, are adequately backed up. Why on earth did I allow this to happen? […]

Backing up to an external hard drive

Hard drives should normally form the main part of your backup strategy, as it is easy to make backups every day, or every few days, onto your backup drive, and keep the backup up to date. Many different backup programs are available, either commercial software for as little as £20 or £30, or some highly […]

London Data Recovery

We are sometimes asked whether we have a London office where hard drives can be delivered for recovery.  At present, however, we only have offices in Cambridge, approximately 1 hour from London by car or train. We receive hard drives both in person and by post – when sending drives to us by post, we […]

New techniques for camera card photo recovery

Over the past 2 or 3 months, we have made exciting steps forward in the recovery of camera cards where the card itself has failed, or has been physically damaged. In the past, there have been cases where the cards have simply not responded to any attempts to read them, and although we have had […]

Choice of DVD/CD backup media for long term storage

If you also need to archive onto optical discs, I recommend using Taiyo Yuden DVD+Rs, or Taiyo Yuden manufactured JVC DVD+Rs.