Posts belonging to Category Hard Drives
Posted by dominic on July 22, 2015
A lost novel and an overwritten file We recently had a query from an author about a half-written novel which had been lost from their computer. Their daughter had accidentally edited the file containing the novel, and replaced the entire contents with a school project of almost the same size. The writer had already sent […]
Categories: Data Recovery, Hard Drives
Posted by dominic on June 10, 2014
There are various reasons you might wish to replace your hard drive with a larger one. You might be running out of space on your drive, and in the case of a laptop you almost certainly don’t have the ability to add a second drive. Or you might be getting signs that your old drive […]
Categories: Backing up, Hard Drives
Posted by dominic on April 11, 2011
There’s an interesting story on reghardware about a fake 500Gb SSD drive purchased in China. It turns out that the drive just contained a 128Mb USB key and some clever software to enable data written to the drive to be recorded in a loop. Sadly no chance of recovery of the lost data with a […]
Categories: Data Recovery, Hard Drives
Posted by dominic on March 16, 2011
Hard drives should normally form the main part of your backup strategy, as it is easy to make backups every day, or every few days, onto your backup drive, and keep the backup up to date. Many different backup programs are available, either commercial software for as little as £20 or £30, or some highly […]
Categories: Backing up, Hard Drives
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Posted by dominic on February 19, 2011
We are sometimes asked whether we have a London office where hard drives can be delivered for recovery. At present, however, we only have offices in Cambridge, approximately 1 hour from London by car or train. We receive hard drives both in person and by post – when sending drives to us by post, we […]
Categories: Camera cards, Data Recovery, Hard Drives, Photo recovery